The CAF logo looks like this. Like all the best corporate logos, it doesn’t play well with others and needs a 50% exclusion zone.
It’s an exercise in negative space. That’s to say that it’s see-through. The central part doesn’t stay white when imposed upon a picture of a green sea.
This page demonstrates that, for most applications, CAF’s monochrome ensemble will suffice.
For high days, holidays and top level design decisions, brighter colours join the fray. Right now, these are blue and yellow.
Pantone 655 C (Blue)
Pantone 116 C (Yellow)
CAF uses two typefaces: Libre Franklin for paragraphs and headings, Della Respira for occasional bylines and subheadings.
Both of these are available on the Open Font License, which means that you are free to download and use them.
Credit: Pablo Impallari, Rodrigo Fuenzalida and Nhung Nguyen
Credit: Nathan Willis
CAF text should be left aligned and kerned normally. Stretched tracking in lowercase text is a dreadful look.
Please note that Della Respira has only one weight and no italics. Some software will silently generate unattractive faux bold and oblique letterforms. Do not use these.
Commercial Alternatives
When printing justified paragraphs at small point sizes – for example in an event programme, brochure or magazine article – our screen-optimised free fonts aren’t so great. Expensive commercial typefaces (ITC Franklin Gothic and ITC Souvenir) are the answer. These are both bundled with Adobe software, so if you’re equipped enough to need them, you already have them.
To give some vague impression consistency, don’t use ITC Franklin Gothic for big headlines. Stick with Libre Franklin, since we don’t need the other’s better print behaviour.
CAF has a small library of images that are either free use or pre-cleared for use. Fill your boots.
‘I want to make a special share image for my favourite social media platform’
Stop right there. Don’t do that. Use one of these instead.
Closing thoughts
CAF needs good typography. If you haven’t already, read Butterick.
The postmodernist is not concerned with consistency. The designer very much is. Do as I say. Thank you.
Design and development by Will.