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Evaluating Central Asia’s ‘Golden Age of Arbitration’: Prospects for a New Legal Age of Commercial Dispute Resolution

James Hone, University of Cambridge, explores the development of international arbitration institutions across Central Asia …

The Kazakh Intelligentsia’s Role in Shaping National Identity

Ana Ross from the University of St Andrew’s delves into the history of the Alash Orda in Kazakhstan in the …

Central Asia’s Geopolitical Crossroads: The Dynamics of ‘Coopetition’ between Russia and China

Islam Supyaldiyarov, Senior Lecturer at Suleyman Demirel University, explores the changing dynamics and relationship between Russia and China in Central …

Turksib: Awakening Central Asia

Annabel Hou, a BA student from U.C. Berkeley, analyses the imperial messaging of Viktor Turin’s 1929 film ‘Turksib’ …

How Kyrgyzstan’s new flag design serves as a litmus test for the health of its democracy.

Tom Fort from the University of St Andrews reviews the recent changes to the Kyrgyz Republic’s flag and what this …

Decolonisation and Adaption for the Future: Language Politics in Kazakhstan

Image via Wikimedia Commons Driving down any street in Astana, Kazakhstan’s new, hyper-futuristic capital city, you may be surprised to …

Trading Places: The Rise of China in Kazakhstan

Image: Richard Hagues via Flickr The power dynamic in Central Asia is shifting due to Kazakhstan’s changing economic and cultural …

A Taboo: Why the Civil War is not Remembered in Tajikistan’s Art

Farrukh Negmatzade, ‘Women behind trees’ (Image:  Redwood Art Group via flickr) In modern-day Tajikistan, artists choose to celebrate the natural …

‘The Age of Maturity for the Turkmen Spirit’: The Ruhnama and identity production in post-Soviet Turkmenistan 

Photograph: Beth via Flikr. Towering above Ashgabat’s Independence Park is a ten-metre monument of the Ruhnama: the magnum opus of …
Baiterek Tower, Astana

Turkic Winds of Change: How Kazakhstan and Türkiye are Forging a New Strategic Partnership

Photograph: Ninara via Flikr In September this year, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan travelled to Astana, the gleaming capital of …