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Secularism under siege? The State, Media and Religion in Kyrgyzstan

Despite the establishment of secularism in the Kyrgyz constitution, various laws and policies continue to restrict religious…

ByByAna RossFeb 8, 20257 min read

The Fall of Otrar and Kazakh Identity

Ardak Amirkulov’s The Fall of Otrar (1991) is an elemental masterpiece, whose retelling of the…

ByByLewis EbertFeb 4, 20257 min read

My Brutalist Bishkek

When you think of Kyrgyzstan, you think of the Tien Shan and Pamir mountain ranges.…

ByByJames MairJan 19, 20257 min read

Jewish Communities in Kyrgyzstan During The Second World War

Saturday in Bishkek It’s Saturday in Bishkek, and a blonde-haired man slips behind a wooden…

ByByClaudia Macey-DareJan 5, 202510 min read

How Investment into Kazakhstan‘s Education System has Impacted the National Economy

In recent years, Kazakhstan has sought to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) in the education…

ByByZara DraperDec 8, 20247 min read

Evaluating Central Asia’s ‘Golden Age of Arbitration’: Prospects for a New Legal Age of Commercial Dispute Resolution

Introduction In his insightful article A Golden Age of International Commercial Arbitration in Central Asia (2021), Elijah Putilin…

ByByJames HoneJul 23, 202414 min read

The Kazakh Intelligentsia’s Role in Shaping National Identity

Kazakhstan’s significant history of Russian colonisation almost led to the destruction of the country’s national…

ByByAna RossJun 14, 20247 min read

Central Asia’s Geopolitical Crossroads: The Dynamics of ‘Coopetition’ between Russia and China

In the contemporary geopolitical landscape, there is a unique phenomenon whereby certain regions become arenas…

ByByIslam SupyaldiyarovMar 11, 202415 min read

Turksib: Awakening Central Asia

In 1928, Joseph Stalin initiated the First Five-Year Plan to collectivize agriculture and rapidly industrialize…

ByByAnnabel HouFeb 26, 20249 min read

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Secularism under siege? The State, Media and Religion in Kyrgyzstan

Despite the establishment of secularism in the Kyrgyz constitution, various laws and policies continue to restrict religious…

ByByAna RossFeb 8, 20257 min read

The Fall of Otrar and Kazakh Identity

Ardak Amirkulov’s The Fall of Otrar (1991) is an elemental masterpiece, whose retelling of the…

ByByLewis EbertFeb 4, 20257 min read

My Brutalist Bishkek

When you think of Kyrgyzstan, you think of the Tien Shan and Pamir mountain ranges.…

ByByJames MairJan 19, 20257 min read

Jewish Communities in Kyrgyzstan During The Second World War

Saturday in Bishkek It’s Saturday in Bishkek, and a blonde-haired man slips behind a wooden…

ByByClaudia Macey-DareJan 5, 202510 min read

Post Grid #2

Secularism under siege? The State, Media and Religion in Kyrgyzstan
The Fall of Otrar and Kazakh Identity
My Brutalist Bishkek
Jewish Communities in Kyrgyzstan During The Second World War
How Investment into Kazakhstan‘s Education System has Impacted the National Economy
Evaluating Central Asia’s ‘Golden Age of Arbitration’: Prospects for a New Legal Age of Commercial Dispute Resolution
The Kazakh Intelligentsia’s Role in Shaping National Identity
Central Asia’s Geopolitical Crossroads: The Dynamics of ‘Coopetition’ between Russia and China
Turksib: Awakening Central Asia